Please don’t conclude by seeing the title that it is gonna be another boring lecture on anti-social networking by some orthodox. I know how much social networking has encroached into our lives today that we forgot to talk to people offline, in fact some people have completely forgot to live offline, so I can’t dare to go against it.
As a matter of fact I too have accounts in almost all social networking sites like ORKUT, FACEBOOK etc and I too use it for many reasons. So what’s this all about you may ask, here I’ve listed out something which mystified me about the social networking maniacs..
P.S: This post is just to say what I gained n lost by some websites, no offence intended, no resemblance to anyone in real. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental
As a matter of fact I too have accounts in almost all social networking sites like ORKUT, FACEBOOK etc and I too use it for many reasons. So what’s this all about you may ask, here I’ve listed out something which mystified me about the social networking maniacs..
- One day I’ve seen one of my old friend posting few birthday party photos celebrated pretty grand and the link was titled “My Dog’s Birthday“. I was happy to see people started loving animals so much but was it really worthy to celebrate a dog’s birthday with a 500 bucks cake. I wish she had used half of that money to help someone in need; they would bless her dog to live 100 years and the doggie would LIKE it
- I never understood why people spend so much time “Growing Farms” and harvesting crops online. If they had used a little time to grow plants offline too, earth would have been a much greener and safer place to live.
- I was talking to a friend at home, HAAATTCCHHHH… he sneezed, immediately he pulled out his blackberry to update in FaceBook/Twitter “I sneezed”. Do we really need to update even trifle matters of life in our profile for the whole world to know??
- I find many friend request every time I open my account in FaceBook, or any other social networking site, and it’s no surprise that most of them I’ve never met in life n I don’t think I will. Most of them (not all I say) send a request just to boast a large Number of friends they have or to peep into others life, oh God why people are so much interested in others lives than their own.
- While stuck in traffic I saw something strange written on a bike “Don’t follow me now, follow me here - twitter/“. What a creativity
- When someone asks “Shall we play” I’ll ask Indoor or outdoor, now when I ask “Shall we play” people ask me “Online or offline??”
P.S: This post is just to say what I gained n lost by some websites, no offence intended, no resemblance to anyone in real. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental